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Monday, May 31, 2010


Make 2 mistake in less than 1 hour

First I drop my drinking cup on the floor and the cap drop off.. In order for mummy not to scold me, I just stand next to the cup and act innocent.. keep repeating O-Oh! O-Oh! O-Oh!

Next I try to climb up the car seat and ended upside down.. no choice and have to call for help as I cannot hold any longer in this posture..

2 muack:

Unique said...

Mia, before your mummy help you to get up.....she took your picture first!

Baby Gorgeous's mummy said...

Why cannot ah? Every moment counts.. Btw, did u see her hand.. the strength that she used to support herself.. Haha!! Is a good training for her.. Next time can represent Singapore for weight lifting in youth Olympic..