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Monday, August 02, 2010


There have been lot of ants recently.. At anywhere, anytime.. it just puzzle me.. I've to run for my life..

Nooo... ants again.. So small that I usually cannot see them

Performing acrobatics..

pointing at ants..

2 muack:

Anonymous said...

ants everywhere? Ask ur sel? Mommy complained tat u eat n eat n eat.. N u muz hv leave trace of food everywhere.
Mommy hates ants. She'll go crazy if she c 1. U beta watch ur toes. Otherwise mommy wil take baygone to spray at u instead of ants.

Bb Gorgeous's mummy said...

These ants are invisible.. only mummy can see and mia only feel scare.. haha!! :)

No need baygone.. cause she will be sitting nicely on the sofa and refuse to come down cause the ant will bite her feet *LOL*