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Monday, March 16, 2009

In Hospital

Our 4D/3N at TMC.. Daddy & Mummy check-in to TMC on 13.03.2009 at 12am. Operation is at 8am.. We were on the premium floor of TMC and our super deluxe room is newly renovated.. Mummy couldn't sleep that night as she was nervous..

At around 6am, the nurse came to our room to dress mummy up and prepare her for the operation.. Mummy was pushed to the operating theatre at 7:30am.. Dr Paul Tseng came by to chat with mummy and reassure her that everything is fine.. Dr Kong/GA was also very nice and he keep chatting with mummy to ease her nerve. At 7.55am, mummy knocked off.. and she only hear Dr Kong's voice at 9.00am to wake her up..

The first thing mummy asked when she awake was.. How is baby? Daddy says they are bathing me and will bring her over once it is done.. The moment when mummy see me.. she was so delighted that I'm a healthy little princess..

Mummy was on drip for the day after the c-section.. the drip has got morphine which keep her away from pain.. the nurses take good care of mummy.. changing the drip every 6 hours and measuring her blood pressure and temperature every 2 hours through out the day and night..

Daddy was having a good time.. enjoying the 5 stars facilities (6 meals per day and wireless Internet).. He even went over to the nursery room several times per day just to peep at me..

Mummy has her drip remove a day after the operation and she was given lunch and pain killer.. then mummy tried to stand up and walk around the room.. Surprisingly, mummy did very well..

We have many visitors and gifts from our friends.. Baby Mia was also busy entertaining daddy & mummy's friends..

Daddy & mummy are thankful to everyone at the hospital.. who are so patient, kind and helpful.. and our friends and relatives who call, sms and visited us at the hospital..

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